How To Transfer Devices To Other MDM Accounts

This process will show how a user can gift devices to an external MDM account. This will shorten the time the user may experience when requesting Sunmi to bind devices to another user account.


  1. Click “Device Ownership” - > “Transfer Device”




  1. Select the SN(s) you wish to gift from the list in your MDM,



    1. Note: For multiple SNs, you can upload an Excel document. You can download the template. Once completed select “Upload”


  2. Once the SNs are selected or uploaded, you need to enter the receiving account ID

A. You can ask the receiver to find their ID by going to ‘Partners’ and they will see the account ID listed below



  1. Enter the account ID and click on the icon below

  1. Once selected, it will show the account name and ID. Select confirm to transfer the devices.

  1. Once confirmed, the receiver may go to Device Ownership” - > “Gift & Acceptance Record” (Or 'Transfer Record in newer version) and accept the devices to be transfered to their account

  1. Please click “Accept” to allow the device to be transferred to your account.