How to set the default Startup App on Sunmi devices

Please follow the steps to configure your default start app on the devices.


1, Log on to your MDM (Partner platform) account.

If you don’t have an MDM account yet, please go to: to apply for one.


2, Ensure the device(s) are available and assigned under your MDM account.

You can send the email to ‘’ and request to add your SN list to your account.


3, Go to Remote Management through ALL-> System Customization->Default Startup


4, Select a default app for one of the types of devices. The default app can only be happy to a type of device and cannot be set for a single device.


For example, below are all my device types. Let’s set a default app for T2s.


Press the plus button and assign one app to T2s.


You can select any app which is available in your app store. To check which apps are available in your appstore, go to: All->App Store->App List.

And some apps are developed only available for some types of the devices. Make sure it works on the device type you selected.



5, Reboot the device. The app will be started automatically.



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